VBS at Broadway Baptist found 16 explorers “Hiking through History” on an adventure from Answers in Genesis. They followed a trail designed by Debbie, Mary, and Lora and learned “The 7 Cs of History”: Creation, Corruption (the Fall), Catastrophe (the Flood), Confusion (the Tower of Babel), and God’s Plan of Salvation (Christ, the Cross, and Consummation). John, Bert, Maxine, and Cynthia helped construct and assemble areas for each “C.” A shepherd, a soldier, Noah, and Adam and Eve (Bob, Jerry, Murica, Ron, Darryl, Omar, and Pastor Gray) presented Biblical lessons. Hikers made their own hiking vests and other projects. Families came Friday evening for a meal prepared by Marge and Opal, and VBS was Saturday. Ron was the photographer.
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